Finding a Doctor Online and Researching Your Physician on the Internet

“A primary care doctor, is a doctor that oversees all issues, and works with your health insurer to get you over to the right doctor. We also handle common problems you might have, and possibly prescribe medication that will help, saving you a trip to the ER.” A definition given by Jen Smith with Platinum Care LA.

The internet has been a key source of information for patients with health-related questions. Aside from finding medical opinions, the internet is used to access information not provided by their medical physician, discuss health issues they consider embarrassing, as well as find reliable treatment options. But did you also know that you can find primary care physicians online? Online physicians are not only convenient, but through their websites, patients have the ability to communicate efficiently with them via email. In addition, the doctor can act as a mediator for health information, by referencing websites that may better educate their patients. If you’re wondering how to find a great primary care doctor on the internet, we are here to help.

1. Determine the kind of care you are looking for
The nature of primary care doctors, differ, from family practitioners, cardiologists, obstetricians, medicine specialists to gynecologists. In essence, a primary care doctor should be your go-to for all your medical needs, but while some can only diagnose a problem, others can go as far as recommending the appropriate specialist for a specific health conditions.

2. Do your research
The process of finding a primary care doctor on the internet must involve thorough research. You can either ask your friend for a recommendation, search through online forums, or check if hospitals also offer primary care physician services over the internet.

3. Check for qualifications and credentials
A primary care doctor is primarily meant to act as your main medical and health care provider in the long term. Thus choosing a good one, requires that they have the necessary qualifications to offer you the quality care that meets your needs. Is the doctor registered? Do they have the right training and background experience?

4. Check for and read the online medical reviews
Finding out what others have to say can play a critical part in deciding if its worth it putting your health needs in the hands of an online primary care doctor. How does the doctor relate to his/her patients? Do he/she encourage communication? Are there bad experiences by patients? Research shows that a stronger relationship between a physician and patients, determines their care satisfaction and also improves their overall health. Since this person is going to be your go-to primary care doctor for all your day-to-day health issues, ensure that they are reputable.

Although, these are not the only factors on how to find a great primary doctor care on the internet, they should give you a head start.