Choosing The Right Service

For many people, the choice to be cremated or to be buried is one they have well in advance of their death. However, many families do not wish to discuss this, nor do they want to plan in advance for it. This is a mistake. By planning in advance for cremation San Bernardino or funeral services, not only do you ensure the loved one has their final wishes met, but you can also discuss the services, and everything that they will entail. You can put everything out in the open, and all family members, will know exactly what that person wants, at the time of their death.

Respectable services for all families

There are some families who wish to have religious services or a ceremony that will represent a loved one that has passed away in a positive light, and remember them in that manner. Then, there are others, who wish to have a closed-casket ceremony, and some do not wish to have any services at all. They simply want the ashes placed in an urn, and the family will mourn in the manner they deem fit. No matter what your family chooses, our crematory is going to work with you, and we respect your wishes, when the time comes to say goodbye to a loved one. We offer a wide range of services, so you can dictate how the process will unfold.

Some of the options we offer to our customers include

  • Preplanning for the cremation San Bernardino services
  • We offer funerals and ceremonies at the location of choice
  • We can provide transportation services
  • We sell commemorative urns or caskets
  • We also help in preparing the obituary, flower services, and we can inform other family/friends of the passing of a loved one, if you would like us to do this for you at the time of death.

We will be as much, or as little involved in the process as you dictate, when you are preparing to say goodbye to a loved one who has just passed away.

With our preplanning services, we can lock in the rates for the cremation San Bernardino, funeral, or other services you choose. So, you will not have to worry about prices increasing, nor will you have to come up with the full price for the services at a time which is difficult for you and your family, as you have prepared in anticipation for this difficult period.